Jobs to be Done in TechHow to Take the Guesswork Out of Innovation
Jobs to be Done in TechHow to Take the Guesswork Out of Innovation
In the exhilarating world of tech, imaginations can run wild. The possibilities seem endless. It’s alluring, and hazardous. When the product is so enticing, it’s easy to lose focus on the customer.
Don’t. As in most other industries, the customer’s needs ultimately drive product success. Companies that aren’t rooted in a deep understanding of customers will struggle to find product-market fit and to continue growing once competition inevitably materializes.
Tech is also notably distinct. Customers may not have any idea of how tech can solve their needs in totally new ways, they may have substantial barriers slowing adoption of those new solutions, and they may struggle to name a price they would expect to pay. You can’t just ask them what they want, if they’d buy it, or how much they’d spend.
So, tech companies have a special challenge. They have to understand customers extraordinarily well, they need to think beyond the world as it is today, and they can’t just ask customers for the answers. What’s the best way to resolve these dilemmas? The answers lie in understanding your customers’ Jobs to be Done |
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